Monday, April 16, 2012

How Resources Can Help Christian Parents Disciple Their Children

If you are a reader of my blog, you've probably noticed that I use a lot of resources.  Many of my ideas come from books, websites, or other blogs.  I love these resources!

Instilling God's truth, His character, and His love, in our children is no small task.  As parents and grandparents, God has given us a mission that will continually challenge us.  Yet it is a mission of utmost importance.

Many of us (myself included) struggle with how to effectively lead our children and grandchildren spiritually.  Whether we grew up in a Christian home or not, most likely we have never seen family discipleship modeled .  How do we go about impressing a child's heart with a love for God?  

Photo: Camilla Hoel
When we are in unfamiliar terrain--grappling with a perplexing new developmental stage our child is entering, making God central in our daily lives, finding a systematic approach to Biblical instruction, leading our children into a close relationship with God--resources have much to teach us.

Resources give me new ideas.  They inspire me.  They can provide step-by-step instruction.  Just seeing the book sitting on my desk reminds me to make the spiritual training of my children a priority.  The bottom line is that it's more likely to get done if I use a resource of some kind.

As parents, we all have strengths and limitations.  Resources enable me to compensate for those areas that don't come naturally to me.  For a quick example, one of my parenting strengths is providing structure.  You want me to be spontaneous?  Give me detailed instructions of exactly how to do that, and I’ll be as spontaneous as anyone. :)   I find resources that help me fill in for this weakness.  I find lists of questions, openings for spiritual discussions, “spontaneous” object lessons, and so on.  If you want to be more structured in your parenting, there are plenty of resources that can help with that also.

You are God's most important resource for your children's spiritual development.  It is not a chance occurrence that your child is in your family.  Perfect divine thought and intention is the reason you are together.  You have exactly what they need to prepare them for the Kingdom of God.  Let's trust God's amazing plans for our own lives and the lives of our children.  Let's equip ourselves so we can fulfill the wonderful purpose He has in mind for our families.

Interested in finding some quality resources and not sure where to start?  Be sure to check out my Resources page to see some of my favorites!  Looking for even more resources?  Click on the Resources and Reviews categories on the righthand sidebar.

Photo: D6 Family

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