Friday, August 31, 2012

How Do I Measure Up As A Christian Mother?

This post will be the first of a series about one of the greatest barriers that I personally face in my endeavor to train my children in the Lord.  This is the beginning of a conversation, and I invite you to join in the discussion by commenting below or sending me an email. 

We have a high calling--one that is not for the faint of heart.  We are called to disciple our children, to teach them daily about God and His ways.  Scripture is very clear that the responsibility for our children's spiritual training rests squarely on our shoulders.  This is not an undertaking that can be delegated.  Yet many of us (myself included) feel inadequate to the task.

Today I want to share with you one of the largest roadblocks I face in discipling my children: 


Without intending to, I compare myself with other parents.  I envision a grandiose image of ideal Christian parenting and know I fall very short of that vision.
  • How often do I look at behavior of other children and lament the shortcomings in my own?   
  • How often do  I see a parent bringing God into everyday conversation with their child and feelings about my inadequacy surface?  
  • How often do I observe a parent exercising patience under pressure and feel the sharp pang of knowing my own failings?  
  • How often do I see a mother following through with her plan to systematically teach her children about God and begin to feel that my own efforts are inferior? 

Photo:  Microsoft Images

How often do I conjure up evidence that I just don't measure up as a Christian mother--all because I'm not perfect?  The honest answer is:  All too often.  The Bible sends parents a very strong message that we are responsible for our children's spiritual development (Gen. 18:19, Ex. 10:2Ex. 12:26-27, Ex. 13: 8 & 14, Deu. 4:9-10, Deu. 6:5-9, Deu. 11:19-21, Ps. 78:5-6, Is. 38:19, Joel 1:1-3, Eph. 6:4, Acts 2:38-39).  The interesting thing about these verses is that they in no way imply that  we need to be sinless in order to fulfill God's purpose in our families.  Being equipped for the task of Biblical parenting is not the same thing as being perfect.

Please join me in the next part of this journey where I describe the "Slippery Slope of Perfectionism" and how it affects my role as a Christian mother.