
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Being a Living Sacrifice

Christianity is not a spectator sport.  Christianity is not passive.  A Christian attitude is not one of consumerism.  True Christians do not attend church with the expectation that we are to be served.  Instead, we attend with an attitude of genuine worship.  Christians are called to serve--to minister--to one another and to the world.

What does it mean to be a living sacrifice (Romans 12, 1 Peter 2)?  It can mean a lot of things.  It can mean writing an article that may not be accepted for publication.  It can mean sharing your heart with someone when you're not sure whether it will be treated with sensitivity.  It can mean starting a blog that no one may read.  It can mean organizing an event for families that has no guarantee of being popular.  It can mean leading a small group that has the possibility of fizzling out.  It can mean reaching out with a hug when you don't know whether it will be received with acceptance.  Being a living sacrifice requires action on our part.

Are you deeply convicted about the importance of the family in the spiritual training of children?  Are you passionate about the Biblical model of family discipleship?  Being a living sacrifice does not involve sitting around and thinking about how "the church" needs to address the needs you see around you.  After all, we are the church, are we not?  If God has given you a passion for families, He has a reason for doing so.  The question is not whether God can do an awe-inspiring work with families.  The question is whether you are willing to be a part of it.

The Bible tells us that when seeds are scattered, there is no guarantee that those seeds will take root and flourish (Matthew 25, Mark 4, Luke 8).  Being a living sacrifice means surrendering to God.  It means sticking your neck out   It means shattering your comfort zone.  It means serving instead of being served.  It means laying your ego on the line.  It means taking the risk of being deeply humbled in order to be a servant of the Living God.

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